24 November 2009


Studying about that good old way.

20 November 2009

Milligan, Sellers, Secombe lighten up

"THE Minnie Bannister, the darling of Roper's Light Horse and the Third Foot and Mouth," "Count Jim 'Knees' Moriarty, fruit-bottler extraordinary to the house of Ponque and ex-World Turkish Bath champion," "Dashing Dennis of the Calcutta Mule Followers," "a bundle of Welsh rags suddenly become animate," "Haveldar Singiz-Thingh," "Crutty Herbert," "me old bat man Neddie Seagoon," and a cast of thousands.

17 November 2009

Fire on Fire

"... And, if we tear this kingdom down, tear it down,

Let it be with a deserving and joyous sound."

"Sirocco" from The Orchard, 2008

Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada

"Quiero hacer contigo lo que la primavera hace con los cerezos."

-Pablo Neruda.

13 November 2009

11 November 2009

La dolce vita, Fellini 1960

Tonight's screening at the Informal Film Club.

09 November 2009

road trip to Southern Wisconsin to sing shape-notes

Left the Twin Cities at 4:30 a.m., drove down for about 5 hours, sang loud for about 5 hours, drove back for about 5 hours, returning at 9:30 p.m. ... quite a successful day.

04 November 2009

but can we get medicaid to cover it?

Beowulf, lines 1903 to 1914

In March 2000, I heard Seamus Heaney talk about his translation of Beowulf. He read this passage out. The presentation copies of these two pieces I gave him were, as he put it, "borne back to Ireland as reverse-booty." ["Booty" in the piratical, not anatomical, sense.]

02 November 2009

biblia sacra vulgata, psalmus XXXIV: xv
