27 September 2011


"Let me fall out of the window with confetti in my hair ..."

Tom Waits
Tango 'Til They're Sore
from Rain Dogs 1985

23 September 2011

... truth is molten ...

... sorrow more distant than a star.

22 September 2011

Puerta del Sol, Madrid and NYC General Assemblies


"We have a space to be together and share our worryings and share our ideas [about] what can we do to try to change the world, and the first thing is to change ourselves."

Monica Lopez
representative from Spain's 15-May Movement to NYC General Assembly
Liberty Square, NYC interview

20 September 2011

16 September 2011

We have to make room for other people. It's a wheel. You get on; you have to go to the end.

-Vivian Maier

14 September 2011

... And so they sing one thing and mean another. ...

... to make our Angelinia a free and peaceful land again ...


And you sang, "Sail to me
Sail to me, let me enfold you"
Here I am, here I am
Waiting to hold you.

Tim Buckley and Larry Beckett
Song to the Siren

[covered by
This Mortal Coil


A blue muscle from the moon
pulls our ship toward a sheaf of rock
where they lie. They are as naked
as scissors and sing with the same
promise of release. Their red songs
rise around us like flamingos. ...

Mekeel McBride
from Odysseus and the Sirens


Miroslava Safránková

Malá mořská víla
(1976, dir Kachyna)

10 September 2011

"... Live because of the sun, the dream, the excitable gift."

"... and the street is unfindable for an entire lifetime."

Anne Sexton (November 9, 1928, Newton, Massachusetts – October 4, 1974, Weston, Massachusetts)

"... Riding the waves on the sea."
Peter Gabriel
Mercy Street
from So (1986)

07 September 2011

"There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious—makes you so sick at heart—that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all."

Mario Savio
University of California, Berkeley
Sproul Hall Steps
December 2, 1964

06 September 2011

À propos de Nice (dir Jean Vigo, 1930)


And it is best to never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever wonder why
So tangle - oh tangle us up in bright red ribbons!
Let's have a parade
It's been so long since we had a parade, so let's have a parade!

A Silver Mt Zion
Built then burnt (hurrah! hurrah!)
from Born into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward, 2001

02 September 2011

« Auch zu lieben ist gut: denn Liebe ist schwer. Liebhaben von Mensch zu Mensch: das ist vielleicht das Schwerste, was uns aufgegeben ist, das Äußerste, die letzte Probe und Prüfung, die Arbeit, für die alle andere Arbeit nur Vorbereitung ist. »

Rainer Maria Rilke
Briefe an einen jungen Dichter

Brief an Franz Xaver Kappus
Rom, am 14. Mai 1904