31 May 2011

... new daughter pending ...


"... Caravans and lots of jam and maids of honor
singing, crying ..."

John Cale
Paris 1919

30 May 2011

Franz Kafka „Der Prozeß“

29 May 2011

"Illusions are art, for the feeling person, and it is by art that we live, if we do."

Elizabeth Bowen
Death of the Heart

28 May 2011

The Red Shoes - 1948

(dir Pressburger/Powell)


In den finsteren Zeiten
Wird da auch gesungen werden?
Da wird auch gesungen werden.
Von den finsteren Zeiten.

Bertolt Brecht
Lied (aus den Svendborger Gedichten II) vorangestellte Motto

26 May 2011

Eintritt nicht für jedermann ...

... nur für Verrückte.


»Und so stiegen viele Bilder meines Lebens in dieser schönen, zärtlichen Nacht vor mir auf, der ich so lange leer und arm und bilderlos gelebt hatte. ... sterngewordene Erlebnisse, die ich vergessen und doch nicht vernichten konnte, deren Reihe die Sage meines Lebens, deren Sternglanz der unzerstörbare Wert meines Daseins war.«


"And so, many pictures of my life in this beautiful, tender night rose up before me--I, who had lived so long, empty and poor and pictureless. … [pictures of] star-creating experiences, which I had forgotten but could never destroy, their sequence the legend of my life, their starshine the indestructible value of my existence."

Hermann Hesse
Der Steppenwolf

25 May 2011

23 May 2011


where are we?
what the hell is going on?

Imogen Heap
Hide and Seek

21 May 2011

Black Narcissus (1947)
dir Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger

20 May 2011

... è il momento disperato in cui si scopre che quest’impero che ci era sembrato la somma di tutte le meraviglie è uno sfacelo senza fine né forma che la sua corruzione è troppo incancrenita perché il nostro scettro possa mettervi riparo ...

... it is the desperate moment in which we discover that this empire which had seemed to us to be the sum of all wonders is a ruin without end or form, that its corruption is too gangrenous for us to cure it ...

Italo Calvino (1972)
Le città invisibili

Invisible Cities

17 May 2011

"... the early Seventies of the Late Lamented Twentieth of Centuries."

Phil Austin's Blog of the Unknown:
Everything that's known is pretty much wrong

Friday, April 10th, 2009

16 May 2011

Rose Schneiderman
ca 1910s


"The idea that you might end up in a job that doesn’t allow you to be who you are, over the course of a lifetime, is still one of the most chilling nightmares to me. It’s a good metaphor for fears I have about losing my soul in some almost accidental, mundane way. So, to me, these jobs that my characters have are very loaded, they immediately suggest a complex character to me, a woman who is, say, a secretary, but also a vigilante on behalf of her own soul."

Miranda July, the dreamer

from an interview in VenusZine by Leah DeVun
December 2007


"... I always feel like I’m going to make the wrong decision and regret it forever, but really, that’s not what life’s like. Things usually make sense in time, and even bad decisions have their own kind of correctness."

Miranda July
from an interview by Rachel Kushner
BOMB 92/Summer 2005

13 May 2011

"To struggle through [capitalist mechanisms of] the state is to become involved in the active process of defeating yourself."

John Holloway (2002)
Change the World Without Taking Power


"They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom
For trying to change the system from within
I'm coming now I'm coming to reward them"

Leonard Cohen (1988)
First We Take Manhattan

12 May 2011

up the Academy

"... so ist ein Schulmeister produktiver Arbeiter, wenn er nicht nur Kinderköpfe bearbeitet, sondern sich selbst abarbeitet zur Bereicherung des Unternehmers. Daß letztrer sein Kapital in einer Lehrfabrik angelegt hat, statt in einer Wurstfabrik, ändert nichts an dem Verhältnis."

Karl Marx (1867)
Das Kapital
Vierzehntes Kapitel
Absoluter und relativer Mehrwert

"... a schoolmaster is a productive labourer when, in addition to belabouring the heads of his/her scholars, s/he works like a horse to enrich the school proprietor. That the latter has laid out her/his capital in a teaching factory, instead of in a sausage factory, does not alter the relation."

Karl Marx (English, 1887)
Volume One
Part V: The Production of Absolute and of Relative Surplus-Value
Chapter Sixteen: Absolute and Relative Surplus-Value

10 May 2011

08 May 2011

"Das eine wisset ein für allemal:
Wie ihr es immer dreht und wie ihr's immer schiebt
Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral.
Erst muß es möglich sein auch armen Leuten
Vom großen Brotlaib sich ihr Teil zu schneiden."

Die Dreigroschenoper

Ballade über die Frage: "Wovon lebt der Mensch"?

Bertolt Brecht (1928)

05 May 2011

"... a year from now we'll all be gone
all our friends will move away
and they're going to better places
but our friends will be gone away ..."

from Rivers and Roads
The Head and the Heart

03 May 2011

peace ... if you want it

"Little sisters of the sun lit candles in the rain."

Melanie Anne Safka-Schekeryk
Candles in the Rain (1970)

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that."

Martin Luther King, Jr
Strength to Love (1963)

01 May 2011

May Day 2011, Minneapolis, sunrise

"No doubt they rose up early to observe
The rite of May ..."